Caulfield’s Heritage
By Dr. Geulah Solomon
This four-volume history of Caulfield was written by Dr. Geulah Solomon to commemerate the Australian Bi-Centenary and the 75th Anniversary of the Municipality becoming a City.
Volume 1. Looks not only at specific properties worthy of note, but also at the changing style of properties over the years. This volume covers the Mansion era that was paralleled by the building of homes for workers on the estates, for the professionals moving into Caulfield, and for the merchants, shopkeepers, tradesmen, and labourers who worked and lived in the area.
Volume 2. Looks at the way of life in Caulfield, including religious traditions and practices, beliefs and value systems, symbols and institutions; the group history, geographic base and perceptions of itself; language, oral and written literature and artefacts; the pattern of shared ideas, norms, motives and expectations, all of which go to develop this way of life.
Volume 3. Looks at the leisure and recreational traditional of Caulfield, describing the sporting and non-sporting activities and facilities, both past and present. The continuity of recreational tradition over the years reflects the stability of life in Caulfield and the importance attached to the quality of life of individuals and families.
Volume 4. Focuses primarily on Local Government in Caulfield over the past fifty years. It complements the previous history “From Sand Swamp and Heath – A History of Caulfield” which dealt with the period from settlement until the early years of the Second World War.